Monday, January 26, 2015

America! 6 Good Ways To Break Up Bad Habits

No one ever intends to fill their lives with bad habits, but somehow…it just happens. Maybe you have an uncontrollable sweet tooth, are a fast food junkie, or you’re simply a master of excuses as to why you can’t work out and get in shape. Regardless of how many years you’ve been a victim of your bad habits, by following these few simple tips, there’s high hopes that you can change.

6 tips on how to ditch your bad habits and implement some good ones:

1. For BIG results, think SMALL.

Whatever it is that you want to change about yourself is completely achievable, but first you’ve got to break down your goals into manageable chunks. For example, if you’re a poor eater, instead of going cold turkey and changing your entire diet in one big swoop, swap out one bad food/drink item at a time for a healthier choice.And if you make one of the swaps for a Shakeology®, not only will you be replacing something bad with something good, Shakeology will do wonders for your body.

2. Envision the positive outcome.

If you focus on one big benefit that comes with changing your bad habit, then you’ll have the motivation you need to be disciplined. Sure, cookies are delicious and give you instant gratification, but instead of thinking about the way they taste, think about how great you’re going to feel when you lose weight and can finally fit back into those jeans that mysteriously seemed to have shrunk in the dryer.

3. Create “If–Then” statements.

Instead of making a bold declaration that’s generic (example: “This year I won’t eat junk when I get hungry!”), rather create an “IF–THEN” statement that goes something like: “IF I get hungry in between meals, THEN I will eat almonds as my snack.”That way you have already prepped your brain for the action you want it to take. Plus, it puts a plan in place so you can stock up on healthy snacks ahead of time. The reality is, you eat what you buy.

4. Repeat your behavior.

The best way to establish new (and good) habits is to do it over and over and over again. And eventually you won’t even think about what you’re doing, and instead, it’ll become…A HABIT! For example, once you get in the habit of waking up 30 minutes earlier in the mornings and going for a walk (or do a quick Beachbody® workout), pretty soon it’ll just become what you do every day, and not doing it will seem weird.

5. Don’t completely restrict your cravings.

Sometimes, when people try and suppress negative thoughts, they actually come back with a vengeance. So if you’re craving chocolate, go ahead and treat yourself to a small portion. Just don’t eat the whole box of chocolates. Or, just have a Chocolate Shakeology.

6. Set small goals, then reward yourself when you achieve them.

Whether you’re aware of it or not, human beings make decisions based on incentives. It’s just the way we’re wired. So to help you achieve your goals, make a deal with yourself that when you reach a particular milestone, you’ll treat yourself to a new ______________. Just make sure that the reward is something healthy. For example: “When I lose 5 pounds, I’ll buy myself a new pair of running shoes.”

The results are worth it.

And there you have it, 6 easy ways to break up with bad habits while implementing some healthy ones into your life. Sure, change isn’t easy. But it is doable. You’ve just got to get over the hump and dump your bad habits once and for all.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Almond Crusted Chicken Fingers with Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce

This recipe is great for adults too lol!  Enjoy
Total Time: 35 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: 20 min.
Yield: 4 servings
2 Tbsp. raw honey
2 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
2 tsp. rice wine vinegar
Nonstick cooking spray (or olive oil cooking spray)
2 large eggs
2 Tbsp. water
1 lb. raw chicken breast tenders, skinless
1 cup whole wheat Panko bread crumbs (Japanese-style bread crumbs)
½ cup finely chopped sliced almonds
1 dash tsp. sea salt
1 dash tsp. ground black pepper
1. Combine honey, mustard, and vinegar in a small bowl; mix well. Chill.
2. Preheat oven to 425° F.
3. Line baking sheet with foil; lightly coat with spray.
4. Combine eggs and water in a medium shallow bowl; whisk to blend.
5. Soak chicken in egg mixture for 30 minutes, turning once; set aside.
6. Combine bread crumbs, almonds, salt, and pepper in a large resealable plastic bag; shake to combine.
7. Working with a few pieces at a time, lift chicken from egg mixture, letting excess drip back into bowl, and drop into bag containing bread crumb mixture. Seal bag and shake to coat; repeat with remaining chicken.
8.Place chicken on prepared baking sheet. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, turning after 10 minutes, until no longer pink in the middle and golden brown.
9. Serve with honey mustard dipping sauce.

Almond Crusted Chicken Fingers Recipe

Almond crusted chicken fingers recipe nutrition facts and meal plan portions

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Passion Is Everything

I didn't just wake one day and say to myself I wanted to become a health and fitness coach.  I was sitting on the couch one day and thinking about my future and where I want to be in 3-5 years.  And I said to myself  I love to workout and I love to post healthy recipes and just put out good energy on social media. So why not turn it into a business.  And then I decided to become a health and fitness coach and start my blog.  I have never had a health problem and I have set out a mission to help as many people as I can get fit and healthy for 2015.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

8 Ways to Smell Fresh Post-Workout

It’s the New Year—which means it’s time for a new and improved you! And what better what to do that than diving headfirst into a new Beachbody fitness regimen.
Maybe it’s time to do something like…21 Day Fix  which is all about simple fitness and simple eating that simply is the perfect solution for those looking for a quick fix and fast results.
Then there’s Insanity Max:30 for those of you who are crunched for time but feel the urge to push yourself to your own personal max for insane results.
Then again, maybe you’re a walk/jogger, gym rat, or have your own physical fitness routine gong on, regardless of your level of physical prowess, when you get your heart pumping, blood flowing, muscles burning, and fast blasting—you also get your sweat glands churning. And as we all know too well: SWEAT = STINK. Stink is bad. Not only for your own nose, but also for those around you.
So to help you minimize the stench and not make enemies…
Here are 8 ways to smell fresh before, during, and after a good ol’ sweat:

smell better during after workout

Don’t eat high fiber foods before working out.

High fiber foods produce gas. And all that bouncing around is bound to release the bloat. So if you’re looking for an energy boost to get you through your workouts, great. Just make sure it contains less than 5 g of fiber, or else you might just earn the nickname of Stinky Butt  lol lol

Don’t wear spandex or cotton. Wear real workout clothes that wicks away sweat.

Spandex stifles airflow and traps sweat onto your skin, which then turns into a breeding ground for bacteria. And bacteria is the culprit of bad smells. The problem with cotton clothing is that it absorbs moisture, hugs to your sticky skin, and keeps you wet, which then makes you smelly.
While antiperspirant does just want the name says, helping reduce your perspiration which is secreted by your Eccrine glands, your Apocrine glands (which are located under your arms, near the groins, and on the breasts) excrete an odorless substance that turns gnarly when it comes into contact with bacteria on your skin. So to stop the stench, makes sure your “deodorant” contains both: antiperspirant AND deodorant.

Wear gym shoes.

They’re made with breathable mesh, which lets your feet breath. And the quicker your feet can air out, the less chance they will stink. No one likes stinky feet. No one

Wash your workout clothes.

Sounds like a no-brainer, huh? But you’d be surprised how many people let their stuff air dry then re-wear it again, and again, and again. And there are some who spray their garments with aerosol deodorant thinking that THAT kills the smell. Note to self: It doesn’t!

Wash your gym bag.

Whatever your stinky clothes touch eventually makes stinky too. So every couple of months or so, throw that bag in the washer, then let it air dry so you don’t melt anything.

Wash your body.

The sooner the better! Bacteria on your skin just about doubles every 20 minutes, and it’s the bacteria that creates the stench. So the quicker you wash it off, the sooner you’ll smell good.

Pull your hair out of your face so it doesn’t catch the stink.

Hair is pretty. And it makes you pretty. Yet there’s no need to wear it down and let it flop around during workouts. Just like your body, when it gets sweaty, it gets stinky. So bust out a ponytail holder and tie that mop back. Especially if you’re one of those who don't wash your hair every day.

And there you have it, 8 simply tips to help you smell, well…SWELL!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Why 21-Day Fix Is The Perfect New Habit

Well it happened again—it’s a brand new year. January is a crucial month because it’s when everyone is thinking about the changes they are going to make for the next 365 days and formulating plans that will help these goals stick! I am  all about resolutions and Shakeology is all about new habits for the new year. What better way to stick to both of these concepts then with a 21-day workout and eating plan paired with Shakeology ?
If you guessed that i'm  suggesting a 21-Day Fix and Shakeology Challenge Pack, then you are one smart cookie! If you don’t know what 21-Day Fix is, read on.
The 21-Day-Fix_Program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It’s a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow workouts that fit into anyone’s busy schedule. Trainer Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results. Pair that with a bag of dense delicious nutrition, AKA Shakeology, and you’re talking about the best new move for 2015.
So why is 21-Day-Fix and Shakeology Challenge Pack the perfect new habit?
  1. This is a program that will help you achieve your fitness goals and better eating
  2. 21-Day Fix will give you results in just three weeks, so it will be easy to finish the program without getting side-tracked
  3. Each workout is only 30 minutes, long enough to change your body and short enough to fit into your schedule every day
  4. The meal plan includes several delicious Shakeology recipes, which you can use with your monthly supply
  5. If you decide to do another round (or more) of 21-Day Fix, the results will keep coming—21-Day Fix workouts are intense no matter how many times you complete them
Have you already done this program? Are you planning on doing it this month? Comment below with photos or a recap of your experience so far OR what new habits you hope 21-Day Fix will help you form! And this month only, 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 Is Here! What Goals Do You Have?

Now’s the time when everything changes and you magically get in the best shape of your life. Soon, you’ll be like this guy, completing dips for days:


Or this girl, running magestically through the mountains feeling no pain at all:


Wait, it doesn’t work like that? Well not right way. And not without a plan. But, that’s what where I come in.
This year, I'm encouraging you NOT to make a New Year’s Resolution (because who keeps those things anyway), but to make a commitment to instilling at least one new healthy habit. It could be something as simple as going for a 15-20 minute walk 5x per week. Or drinking Shakeology every day.
Maybe it’s a bigger commitment, like working out for 30 minutes, 5x per week. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something you are ready to commit to!

New Year, New Habit

Happy New Year!